Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cinderella & the Step-Mother

Brooke loves Cinderella (or "Cindergirl" or "Cinderearl" or something she calls her), and enjoys telling me she is Cinderella.  She puts on her Cinderella shoes and a dress-up princess dress and "dances at the ball" while waiting for Dad to come home from work (Prince Charming).

Well today, the rest of the family was included in the charade, as Mom was named "Step-Mother," while Keira and Maddie became her "Step-Sisters" (or sometimes it was "Step-Maddie").  I asked Brooke if she realized that Cinderella's stepmother in the movie was mean, and luckily, she looked at me and told me I wasn't mean.  Phew...we'll see what she thinks at 15 years old.
On a similar note, Brooke's level of "imaginary play" has really grown and it's hysterical to listen to her playing in the next room.  I hear all sorts of talking and singing going on.  Especially amusing when I'm putting Keira to bed and I hear Brooke in her room talking to her babies (Baby Kate and Baby Alyce).

1 comment:

Erin said...

I'm bringing my dress-up clothes next time I come over (I've been looking for an excuse to wear my wedding dress again)... but I GET to be Cinderella! Brooke and I will have to duke it out over the princess rights. The boys can be the mice and the birds. :)