Saturday, April 24, 2010

Brooke's Favorite Words

Brooke's current favorite words (in no particular order):
1. "Nilk"  (aka Milk)

2. Pretzels -- often that's the 2nd thing she asks for in the morning (after Nilk).  Unfortunately for her, that request is not granted at 7am.

3. Chalk -- Brooke LOVES going outside to play with sidewalk chalk and bubbles, with the older neighbor girls.  We're still working on sharing the chalk, something Brooke doesn't always remember too well.  And we have to keep track of it as Maddie likes eating it for some odd reason.

4. Bubbles --  here she is blowing on the wand...
And with some luck, below some bubbles!

5. Puppy -- her beloved puppy - her "security blanket" of sorts.  Luckily she is quite agreeable to always putting Puppy in her bed/room when we go downstairs (otherwise, come bedtime we'd be scouring the whole house for it!).
A closer shot of Puppy:

6. Book -- We read at least 10 books a day.  Sometimes the same book 3x in a row.  Stopping at 2 at bedtime sometimes creates meltdowns, and occasionally she push books under her door out into the hallway (her door is locked/closed at nap and bedtime).

7.  Maeee (maddie) -- she's always calling for Maddie, and has even taken to telling Maddie "no", or "down", since that is repeated quite often at meal time.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day 2010

We celebrated Earth Day by planting a Douglas Fir sapling in our backyard - a tradition we hope to carry on every year.  Brooke helps Dad remove the tree from its bag.
Planting the tree.  A little garden soil, a little water, a little love...
Ta da - our Earth Day tree!  (sort of hard to see)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Spring Flowers and Toys Everywhere

Our spring flowers have bloomed, though the deer apparently find them quite scrumptious.  There should be 5 clusters of tulips here, however the deer ate 3 of the clusters (far side of lamppost).
Luckily, looks like they're not interested in these flowers by the mailbox.
Inside the house, Dad wonders why there are toys strewn everywhere across the floor when he comes home from work.  Mom calmly reminds him that bending over to pick up toys is no longer an easy nor comfortable task at 10 days away from the due date.  Thus, the toys are left wherever Miss Brooke chooses.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Brooke enjoyed her Easter basket, receiving some coloring books and a baseball bat & baseball (which promptly got relegated to the garage as an outside toy as we realized the danger of her little hands swinging it around).  She had asked the Easter Bunny for bubbles, but the Bunny couldn't find any.
Dad tried teaching Brooke how to "hop" like a bunny.
Maddie tried too.
Brooke enjoyed saying "hop hop," but not sure if we got any hop hop's out of her little jumping feet.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

22 Months Old

Here is Brooke at 22 Months Old. 
   "Uh oh!" she says. 
   "I wasn't ready for that shot!"