Sunday, January 30, 2011

Keira Standing in Her Crib

The other day, I left Keira sitting in her crib while I went to get something.  I come back and she's proudly smiling at me as she stands at the railing.
We've seen her pull herself up to standing on the "play kitchen" in the family room, but this is the first she's done it in her crib.  Luckily Dad had just dropped the crib down the weekend before.  Time for the mobile to come down too! 
Up next, standing and crying because she can't figure out how to sit back down!  Probably at 3am...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rolling and Creeping, Creeping and Rolling

Keira's perfected the art of rolling across the room to get where she wants to go.  Put her down on the floor near the coffee table and she spies the Christmas tree 10 feet away?  Roll, Roll, Roll, and she's there! 

As the weeks progressed, she moved from rolling to creeping & crawling via "army-style maneuvers," enabling even more efficiency.  Maddie and her toys are the common targets at this point.  Keira will quickly "crawl" over to Maddie and try to take a toy away.  Maddie will get up and move across the room, though in a just a minute, Keira arrives again...
These days we're extremely cognizant of the basement stair's door (ensuring it's closed) and regrettably aware of how dirty the floors can be, as you see it across her clothes from crawling all over!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why? Why? Why?

The incessant "why" conversations have started.  I honestly didn't expect these until maybe Brooke was 5 years old?  She asks "why?" about everything!
 - Why is a joey called a joey?  (baby kangaroo)
 - Why is January called January?
 - Why is a toothbrush called a toothbrush?

The questions continue...requiring a great deal of patience, as every answer elicits another "Why?"

She also likes asking (obvious) questions.  Like "What is this on my head?" (answer: a barrette), "Who is that?" (pointing at Maddie), etc.  That continues on and on as well...

I have fun with it by responding with goofy answers..."What is that?" (she points at a bird), and I respond, "Is that a giraffe?"  and she giggles and giggles.

Also, "why don't you name him?"  We give everything a name, all day long.  The lady on the cereal box, the doll, the mail lady, the green pepper, etc.

Note, you may have noticed limited pictures of Brooke.  She's suddenly become "camera shy," or rather, "camera defiant" in her 2 year old tantrum ways.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Keira's First Tooth!

Keira's first tooth has come in -- the lower center right one.  It started "showing" around Christmas and came in probably around New Year's.  (too bad as "All I Want For Christmas Is My 2 Front Teeth" kept running through my head)
It was quickly followed by a second tooth (Jan. 9th) popping up (the lower center left one).  They're sharp -- like puppy teeth!  She enjoys biting my shoulder from time to time.