Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Back in Chicago for Thanksgiving, Brooke helped Chief put up a hook in the closet.  Chief and Grandma just moved into a new house so little odds and ends like this are being found as they settle into their new digs.
The impending holiday season, and time with both grandparents, called for some cookie baking!
Thanksgiving morning, Brooke started the day off by watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, in Chief's bed with him. 
Keira enjoyed Thanksgiving as well. We are very thankful this year to have her in our lives.
The evening ended with the sisters "playing" together!  (ah, warms Mom's heart!)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Minneapolis and Back

During Thanksgiving week, we made a quick trek up to Minneapolis to see some of Jen's family, especially her soon-to-be 96 year old Grandma.  It was indeed a quick trip (drove up Monday and back Wednesday (8 hour drives)), but quite worth it as we were glad to see family up there.  The girls did great in the car too!
Brooke enjoyed time with her 2nd uncles, as Uncle Randy reading her a book, and she hid under pillows with Uncle Bill.
Keira was tickled to meet her Great Grandma.
Brooke "visited" with Father John, who is Grandma's brother, and is the priest that married Mom & Dad.
Here we all are with Grandma.  Happy (early) Birthday Grandma!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Keira's Baptism

We baptized Keira on Sunday, November 21st in Chicago at St. Scholastica, where Brooke was also baptized.  It was a wonderful event and good to see family so everyone could meet Keira (if they hadn't already) and see how Brooke was growing.  Here she is receiving the baptismal water, with no crying!
Our little family: Brooke, Scott, Keira and Jennifer
 The godparents: Tim and Kelly, with Keira.  We thank them for agreeing to be an important part of her life.
The grandparents took turns keeping Brooke quiet and entertained.  Here she is in Grandma's arms.
The party afterwards was nice, and also served as an opportunity for everyone to meet the latest Steeves baby, no not Keira, but Conall!  He was born 3 weeks earlier.  Happy Dad Brad introducing him to folks, and Mom Heather spending quiet time with Conall.
Mimi and Keira.
Smiling Grandpas.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Our New Baby!

Meet our new baby, the smiling and giggling Keira!
It's been a glorious week of a brand new Keira.  Last Friday (Nov. 5th) she became a new kid -- tons of smiles, laughing and general happiness.  Someone told me that one day the colic would just disappear overnight.  It pretty much has (still have bits of crying here and there, but I think it is typical baby crying) and life is so much better!
We REALLY like this new little girl we have!  Here she is working on sitting by herself.  After about 5 seconds she topples to the side.  Hopefully by next week we'll be a little more sturdy.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Keira's First Meal

Keira's first meal of "solids" (aka watery rice cereal) went about as expected: lots of confused looks and spitting out of the food.  At first, she was quite happy to be sitting in the high chair, looking around the kitchen.
"Hmm, what is Mom mixing up over there?"
Trying her first spoonful, and not looking too excited about it.
Brooke served as the cheering committee!  (she is a cheerleader you know (see Halloween posting))
The peculiar looks continue...
Update: after a week of rice cereal, we've given up and moved onto oatmeal cereal, as I don't think I ever got one spoonful of rice cereal into her.  Lots of spitting it back out, or at Mom (by inadvertently blowing raspberries).

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Keira is 6 Months Old!

Keira is now 6 months old -- wow, have these months flown by! 
Our well check appointment went well, here's the update:
Weight:  14lbs 10oz (25th percentile)
Height:  25 1/2 inches (40th percentile)
Head:  42cm (37th percentile)

We looked back at Brooke's measurements at the same time, and errily similar!  Brooke was 14lbs 9oz and 25 1/2 inches!