Thursday, November 3, 2011

Keira is 18 Months Old

And boy, she's become a lot of fun and a darling lately!  She's always been quite a cuddler/hugger, and now it's really increasing as you can ask for hugs and kisses and she toddles over and gives them generously.  Very cute!

At her 18 months well check:
weight: 23 lbs 9 oz (39%)
height: 31 1/2 inches (44%)  (catching up to sister!)

We're still working on sleeping through the night many nights, and since the time change, 5:15am is the new wake-up time.  Ugg.  Mom spends 5-7am sleeping upright holding Keira in the rocking chair in her room.  I've logged more hours in that chair in the past year and a half than in my own bed.

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