Friday, September 10, 2010

Keira's 4 Months Old

Keira's 4 month check-up went well:
13 pounds, 9 ounces (44%)
24 3/4 inches (64%)

Sleeping through the night is still giving us some challenges (getting up 2-3 times, depending upon your definition of "night").  She started rolling over last week (back to stomach) on Sept. 1st, two days shy of her 4 month birthday.  It's very cute, but she gets on her stomach and gets frustrated when she can't do anything else.  When she rolls over in the middle of that night, it results in some very angry screaming.  Hopefully we move past this phase quickly...

1 comment:

Erin said...

ooohhhh...Thomas and Jack saw these pictures and they are so jealous! They've wanted pillow pets for awhile (whenever they started advertising on Disney, Nick, etc.) Fun fun--now we don't have to get them, they can just throw yours around when we see you next. :)