Sunday, March 14, 2010

Big Girl Bed!

To get ready for Baby 2 (6 weeks to go!) we've moved Brooke into her "big girl bed."  It is a full, that we bought when Dad moved into the house (2 weeks before our stuff arrived from NE).  Mom's been testing it out off and on over the past few months, due to pregnancy insomnia, and can guarantee it is very comfortable!

Anyway, Brooke's furniture doesn't arrive until mid-April (uh, yea, cutting it kind of close to the arrival of the new baby....) so her bed is resting on the floor for now -- which is actually best in case she "falls out."  The move into her new room has been quite successful! 
A closer look at some serious bedhead as she awakes from her afternoon nap.
Once her furniture is here and the room is complete we'll post back with proper pictures.

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