Sunday, April 20, 2008

Week 35 -- More Signs of Spring & Nursery Furniture

Spring is showing more promising signs in the Heartland. Perhaps next week the tulips will be up for posting, as they're coming up a couple inches a day! Hopefully I can catch some pictures before the wind blows them away.

As we wait for our big spring arrival, Scott and Maddie have been doing more bonding. Here is a picture from Saturday morning, before we went out to watch him play in another softball tournament.
The nursery is about ready to go. Here is the crib and glider (aka rocking chair, where many hours will be spent feeding our little friend). Thank you again to my parents for the gift of the crib and dresser! We still need a mattress and sheets for the crib and the nightstand will arrive in another week or two.

On the other side of the crib is a dresser.

And lastly, all the feeding will need a place for all the changing, so we have a smaller dresser for the changing table.

1 comment:

Weiss Women said...

This is one of the most beautiful nurseries I have ever seen! Your sweet baby will be so happy!
love, Julianne