Sunday, March 2, 2008

Week 28 (3rd Trimester starts) -- Aunts' Shower in Chicago

This weekend Scott's Aunts hosted a shower for me in Chicago. Thank you again to Aunt Lindy, Aunt Lee and Aunt Kim!!! It was at Aunt Lindy's house, one of the best hostesses I know! Everything was beautiful and the food tasted wonderful!

Here is Aunt Lindy readying the desserts.

And Aunt Kim preparing drinks, with Aunt Lee in the far background answering the phone.

Aunt Lee was instrumental in organizing a fantastic surprise! When I first told my mom about the shower she said she wasn't going to be able to make it. But secretly she was coordinating with Aunt Lee to show up! I was truly truly surprised and ecstatic to have her there. Thank you again Mom for coming!!!

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