Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011 Pumpkin Carving

To welcome our trick-or-treaters tomorrow, we'd better have some carved pumpkins!  This is our first time carving them with Brooke, and while she was excited there were a couple missteps. 
First, we drew out on paper how she wanted her pumpkin carved, but then changed her mind once the carving started.  So pumpkin 1 went from being Brooke's to Mom's.  On to pumpkin 2! 
Secondly, she had no interest in helping to scoop out the insides of the pumpkin -- the only part of whole carving process she was qualified for (she certainly couldn't do the actually carving!).  So much for worrying about her being covered in pumpkin goo and seeds!

Halfway through, both girls got bored and wandered off to the playroom while Mom and Dad finished the carvings... 

But the finished products looked pretty good!

Happy Halloween!

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