Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011 Pumpkin Carving

To welcome our trick-or-treaters tomorrow, we'd better have some carved pumpkins!  This is our first time carving them with Brooke, and while she was excited there were a couple missteps. 
First, we drew out on paper how she wanted her pumpkin carved, but then changed her mind once the carving started.  So pumpkin 1 went from being Brooke's to Mom's.  On to pumpkin 2! 
Secondly, she had no interest in helping to scoop out the insides of the pumpkin -- the only part of whole carving process she was qualified for (she certainly couldn't do the actually carving!).  So much for worrying about her being covered in pumpkin goo and seeds!

Halfway through, both girls got bored and wandered off to the playroom while Mom and Dad finished the carvings... 

But the finished products looked pretty good!

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Salem field trip to farm

To continue fall festivities at preschool, there was a field trip to a local farm.  Though a tad chilly, both girls were excited to bundle up and tromp around the grounds.
The field trip started off with some agriculture lessons, learning about root vegetables and the like.
Then we headed out to the farm's pumpkin patch to pick our own pumpkins, still attached to the vines and everything.  That was a little messy and wet with small ones slipping and sliding.
Next we got to meet some of the farm animals, like this goat.  It was a fun morning!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Brooke's Preschool Halloween Party

Brooke's 3rd Halloween dress-up for the year was her preschool party, where first the kids paraded around for all the parents.
Then they sang some songs for all the parents, then introduced themselves and what they were dressed as for their costume.
After that, full party mode kicked in with games and fun. We played "pin the nose on the pumpkin," created a "spider webs," attempted "musical chairs" and "hot potato" (these youngsters didn't quite get it...).
Finished off with yummy cookies for snack time,
and goodie bags to open at home with tricks or treats (a case of the "tricks" here!).

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween 2011 Parties: Neighborhood party

Brooke's getting 4 uses out of her costume this year!  First was the township's "party in the park," and now the annual neighborhood party, which Keira dressed up for as well! 
The party started off with a parade. It was so cute when Brooke grabbed Keira's hand and led her through the parade. Darling! 
We did some sticker decorating, cookie decorating and other games. 
Oh, and some dancing in the hallway to Halloween music, including "Ghostbusters!" and "Thriller."

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Party in the Park

With Scott and Keira out of town for Conall's first birthday party, Brooke and I ventured to the Pine Twp. Halloween Party in the Park on our own.  She was dressed up as a witch, and really looked forward to the "hayride."
She decorated a cookie (and ate it!),
had her face painted,
climbed in a fire truck (the tire was bigger than her!),
listened to Halloween stories by the bonfire, and won a prize for scariest costume!  (she was a witch, and I guess that qualifies as "scary" in the "1-3 year old" age group)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Keira's First Airplane Trip

Keira enjoyed her first airplane ride, as just her and Dad flew to Chicago for Conall's 1st birthday.  Dad was pretty nervous about how it'd go, and aside from drinking through all her milk instantaneously on the tarmac (suppose to wait until actual take-off so it'd help "regulate" her ear pressure) and a bit of squirming, she did pretty well.  I guess Dad feared a repeat of one unforgettable 10-hour flight with Brooke that included about 7 hours of continuous crying...

They arrived at Midway with smiles!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Keira's First Haircut

Keira finally got her first haircut!  Needed to trim up all the baby wispys that are shooting every which way and make her presentable for her cousin Conall's first birthday party!  She's watched her sister sit in the "jeep car" for hair cuts, and now it's Keira's turn!
Hmm, second thoughts..."Why is that lady walking towards me with scissors?"

Just another day at the salon...

The fabulous end result!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pumpkin Picking at Soergel's

For I think the 3rd year in a row we went pumpkin picking at Soergel's. It's a fun family affair, and will get even better as the girls get older because there are lots of games and activities they can do when they are bigger. This year Brooke went in an "air house" (sort of a like a tent with lots of air blowing around and some balloons for the children to was fun until the boys started getting rough!). 

Couldn't get a picture of the girls together, but a least got one of Keira.  (Brooke's goofy juice was kicking in when the camera turned on her)
Couldn't get a shot of Dad and the Girls, but at least one of Mom and the Girls.  A rarity to have a picture of Mom...usually she's the one with the camera!
 Brooke showing off her gigantic sunflower she found.
 This is one of my favorite pictures of the girls.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall Fun at Yeck's

For the 2nd year in a row, we enjoyed Fall Festivities at Yeck's Farm with my MOPS group.  We had a fun cook-out, talked to the farm animals and went on a fabulous hayride! 

It was lots of fun!  Hopefully by next year we'll know better how to work the camera to take in account the dimming twilight!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Michigan Trip 2011

We headed to Michigan for our annual trip with two other families.  This was the 5th year of the annual trip, the 3rd year with kids, and as always fun times.  I think husbands may have been longing for the office, not this so-called "vacation" when multiple children were crying and such, and I thought at times how we miss our first (childless) trips to Napa and Park City!  But, there's no way we could give up the smiles and laughter our children bring us!  Case in point, Brooke and Hailey laughing together in a rocking chair.
 Play-doh time!  Molly and Keira look to the "big kids" for sculpting advice.
Dinner time with 6 little mouths...that 5pm witching hour necessitated early and often opening of wine bottles...
Despite cold weather, we headed out to an apple orchard we visited last year (Jollay).  Besides apples, the orchard features pumpkins and fun games for the children.
With lots of walking, picking and rough terrain, Keira and Sam were confined to their strollers, much to their dismay.
To get to the actual orchards for picking, we loaded up on a "hayride".  Ross had his hands full with the big kids: Charlie, Brooke and Hailey, while Mike kept Molly warm for the ride, and Brooke and Hailey moved over to Heather after a bit.
The older kids were given a bushel to carry....well, that quickly turned into a game of putting it over their heads.
The picking (and sampling) begins.  A fair number of apples were eaten during the afternoon; I'm surprised no one had upset tummies later!  (well, Brooke did, but I think that was something different altogether)

 Brooke finds the low hanging fruit, and being a nice big sister, offers Keira a bite.
Dad and Brooke pick, pick, pick!
Mom helps Keira take a bite as she helps with some picking as well.  Erin also gets a bite from her hubby.
Our little laborers!
Dad and Keira walking back after a full day.
Smiles from Dad and Keira, but we can't see Brooke!

The next day, we headed to Amazing Acres.  A great farm with a petting zoo, fun games, pumpkins and other rides.  Bringing many laughs (and dusty clothes) was the corn pit.  The kids jumped in and played in this odd "sand box."
 There were big tractors and tricycles to ride...
 ...and a cow train!  (cow carts pulled by an ATV)
Oh, how Keira wanted to ride it -- this was as close as she got.
Even a tee pee was found!

The last day of our trip was Football Sunday, with everyone in the house sporting their Bears shirts.  After keeping the children in the house so we could watch the game, we ventured outside for a couple last hours of play and photos. 

Hailey, Charlie and Brooke loved this swing set ride..
 Mom with Molly and Keira, then with Brooke and Keira.
 We attempted a "children-only" photo.  Didn't go so well.  Ended up just shooting the "big kids."
 Despite colder than preferred weather, a Donovan flat tire, and a sick Brooke, we had a great time!