Monday, April 11, 2011

Excuse Me, Is That a Toilet in Your Purse?

There are many many things about motherhood that you aren't told before beginning this adventure.  Your friends/family/society, really should share/advise/warn of the things you'll endure,
  • whether its the perks and pitfalls of pregnancy and its many "conditions," (I won't elaborate)
  • the many many nights of no sleep with an infant,
  • the many many nights of interrupted sleep with a preschooler ("no sleep" doesn't end after the baby is "sleeping through the night" because surely, at nearly 3 years old they'll quietly (or not) show up at your bedside at 4am and scare the bejesus out of you),
  • not showering for days -- my girlfriends all volunteered many times when #1 came along to come by so I could take a child in the house wasn't a problem, it's juggling 2 children in the house and finding time to shower when you could be doing dishes, cleaning floors/bathrooms, doing laundry, napping, checking email, so on and so forth...
  • not eating, or eating odd stuff, or eating cold meals -- sometimes I'm too busy feeding others (and keeping the dog from eating the kids' food) that I don't have time nor energy to make my own, or I'll grab something odd off their plate or the refrig/pantry, or as all moms know, eating your once hot meal 20 minutes later is very normal
  • carrying a toilet in your purse
Yes, potty training commenced in our house.  Brooke is doing pretty well, knock on wood.  On Day 5 we ventured out of the house to BRU and Target.  I packed up 2 extra pairs of undies and shorts and off we went.  Got through the first store with no troubles and through the 2nd store (Target).  As we were readying to leave I asked if she needed to use the toilet/potty and she said yes, so we headed into the restroom with our shopping cart (is that even allowed?) as I had Keira with me and I couldn't hold her and help Brooke onto the toilet.  Out of my purse I whip out the handy dandy fold-able trainer toilet seat my friend gave me.  I used one foot to hold the seat down (otherwise it flips up/re-folds), while balancing to help Brooke onto the toilet and "hold her" there.  Success!  (though after she was finished I took my foot down and the seat popped off the toilet onto the ground, but I'll wash it at home)  We head home without fear of accidents in the car!  Woo Wee!

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

LOL! I WILL be saving this entry for future reference!