Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Deer, and Turkeys, and Snakes, Oh My!!!

Deer sightings are quite common in our new area. Weekly, Scott reports seeing a deer during his drive to and from work, and saw one the other day between our house and the neighbors. Luckily Maddie hasn't seen one yet -- what will happen then?! Twice in the past week I've also seen wild turkeys in our neighborhood. They're like 4 feet tall! Maddie saw them once, but I don't think she quite knew what it was...
And the snakes! Within a week of moving in, while chatting with the friendly neighbors, we learned that snakes are common in the area. Uh, snakes?!?!?! Yep!
A few days later, our neighbor reported she saw a 4 1/2 foot snake in her bushes. Then a couple more days later, the snake was in the tree right outside our kitchen window. Fearing Maddie might get in a tangle with it, or Brooke crawling in the grass would cross its path, Mom ran out with a yard rake and killed it. (that's me with my "mean snake-killing face")
The deceased snake...


Erin said...

That is a HUGE snake. Way to go, Snake Killa'. Thanks for updating the blog--I've been missing my Brooke fix.

TaterTot said...

I'm impressed. I would have run the other direction.

Weiss Women said...

OMG you killed that snake!?? It's huge! HUGE! You are woman hear you roar!