Our winter routine has settled into regularly scheduled swimming sessions for Dad and Brooke on Sundays. For awhile, Dad would take both girls to the gym, where he'd get his run in then go swimming with Brooke, while Mom stayed home to enjoy some peace & quiet by herself and read the paper (or wash dishes, or clean up toys, or take a shower, etc...).
Recently Mom headed to the gym to check out the swimming progress, as I'm hearing the stories of Brooke's success. While this is great, I'm secretly fearing Dad is going to take away the life vest and make Brooke swim laps on her own next month.
Our dolphin very much enjoys going to the "cool". *Don't know why she can't/won't say pool, she has no trouble say Pooh (like Winnie the Pooh...or I guess Poo, as in potty training).