With Dad out of town for two weeks, Brooke decided we should head to Mimi and Grandpa's for a week (Maddie too!). We had a lot of fun exploring their house. I don't think anything was destroyed, and we tried to contain all the toys to the family room. Here Brooke sits on the family room steps playing with her Little People Barn.
Sitting on the couch with Mimi -- I think in this instant she went on a rampage of throwing all the pillows off the couch.
Playing "creepy mouse" with Grandpa.
Looking out the window with Hank. It's sort of funny how they're the same size.
Hanging out with Grandpa and Hank. Hank, their "new" terrier, was very good with Brooke, though we weren't sure how he react if she pulled his tail, like she does with Maddie, so we kept up the caution at times.
Mimi gave Brooke a new toy: a xylophone/piano crocodile. Luckily she hasn't driven us too crazy with it!
Last snuggles with Grandpa.