Even though it was August 30, we had to bundle up for a rare cold day while out in our wagon.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
15 Months Old!
Brooke's 15 month well check appointment was (obviously) with a new doctor, which brought some anxiety for Mom (how to pick a doctor? do I interview again? depend on neighbor referrals? quickly try to get my own PHD and become her doctor? oh, the decisions...).
Well, everything went fine, and the new doc is FANTASTIC! Brooke is eeking up her size, slowly but surely. Her weight is 22 lbs 2 oz (37 percentile), and her height is 30.5 inches (50 percentile). That height is up from 16% at her 12 month. I think the 12 month must've been off, as the new doctor's office has a more precise measuring routine than the old one. Her head circumference is 46 cm (50 percentile).
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Good-Bye Blazer!
Brooke has said good-bye to her "first car".
And Maddie will never have to cram into the backseat with Brooke and all her toys now. Well, she may still get pelted with toys, but hopefully she'll be more comfortable on the "floor" of the new car.
We tried to take advantage of the Cash for Clunkers program, but unfortunately the State of PA had other ideas. Due to the recent move and ensuing car registrations, the state had our Blazer title, which you needed to do the gov't program. So we had to settle for a trade in...and wouldn't you know it, the Blazer title showed up in the mail 1 day later.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Bathroom Antics
Brooke's love for standing in drawers doesn't end (and it needs to as I think the drawer tracks are bending...)

She's quite proud of her ability to put all the washcloths in the sink I guess!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Visiting Friends in MI & Chicago
We ventured out for another long roadtrip, with Brooke stopping in 3 states to see friends. First up, visiting Giovana, Cecilia and her new brother Nico in Bristol, IN!
Cecilia enjoyed showing her toys to Brooke. For anyone that knows Giovana, this picture confirms Cecilia clearly has her mom's infectious enthusiasm for life!
Next up, we headed into Michigan for Debi's wedding reception. It was great to see her as it's been a few years.
After Debi's we stopped by Aunt Lindy's and Uncle John's for a fantastic dinner and good time spent with family. 

Over the next week we visited a couple friends in Chicago, visiting Charlie, his dad Ross and his expecting mom Erin.

Fun is always to be had when Evan and Brooke get together, since they're only 3 weeks apart! We enjoyed meeting Evan's new sister, Nora, even if she DID sleep the whole time...

Then Brooke spent the weekend with Grandma Karen and Chief Steeves while Mom and Dad headed to Iowa for Chad & Molly's wedding.

We also saw Jake and his mom Suzanne, and his new sister Emily.

The big milestone of the trip was that Brooke has begun walking! What started at the beginning of the week as crawling with a few tentative steps, evolved to full fledge walking with an occasional fall down by the end of the week. So much fun!!! Batten down the hatches, she's everywhere now!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
1st Guests to 'Burgh
Jen's parents were our first guests to Pittsburgh (aka Mimi and Grandpa). Everyone openly admits that they're not coming to see Jen & Scott, rather it's Brooke and the new house! Oh well, that's okay!
Some cuddle time between Mimi and Brooke.
We ventured upon a popular tourist site, the Duquesne Incline. It is old cable cars that go up the side of a big hill downtown, providing excellent views of the city. Here's a shot of the incline.
Scott and Brooke riding up in the cable car.
Yea, a pretty good view of the city! (and the clouds due to my wonderful photography skills)
Mimi, Brooke and Grandpa standing on the platform at the top of the Incline. We had a great visit with them and look forward to their return in September!
Some cuddle time between Mimi and Brooke.

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