Saturday, December 1, 2007

Week 15 (4th month)

Here at week 15 of my pregnancy, a slight bump is becoming visible! This was taken on Saturday, Dec. 1 2007, before a Christmas party. (some may recognize the pix as it served as our Christmas card photo too!)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week 10 -- Halloween

Jen was the friendly witch of the neighborhood on Halloween night. All dressed up to hand out candy, I was a little disappointed when we only received maybe 30 Trick or Treaters...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Week 10 (3rd month): Molly's wedding

We were back in Chicago Oct. 26-28, 2007, to celebrate the wedding of Scott's cousin Molly. Here I'm dancing with Scott's brother Brad. Little does he know it, but he's dancing with a pregnant sister-in-law! :-)

Much later that night (in the 2am realm) we revealed to Scott's family that we were expecting! It was great to have the news out (we had shared with my family a couple days earlier, following a confirmation at the doctor's office).

Lots of smiles and hugs to go around!!!